
Moving forward, grantees will be responsible for vetting any additional vendors that they may bring on board. To assist with this transition, TCSS is offering best practices and guidance to help awardees effectively vet vendors locally:

  • Define clear objectives and performance requirements for the vendor products or services needed.

  • Identify vendors with a proven track record of meeting similar project requirements.

  • Ensure that vendor products and services are aligned with the grant program goals, performance measures, and the levers of the Student Support Framework.

  • Ensure that the vendor’s products and services meet federal requirements, such as supplementing and not supplanting existing services, and are necessary, reasonable, and allocable.

  • Evaluate the vendor’s capabilities through past performance and ability to meet deadlines and quality standards.

  • Ensure that vendor products and services do not overlap or conflict with those provided by TCSS and/or TEA.

Updated: March 18, 2025